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Apsides, is the debut full length album from acclaimed multimedia artist Victoria Keddie (Barbican Centre [London], The Kitchen [NYC], Museum of Art and Design [NYC]).

Victoria Keddie by Margeaux Walter.png

Victoria Keddie by Margeaux Walter

The seven electronic soundscapes of Apsides derive from the orbiting of space debris as it is tracked in real-time using Keddie’s custom built software. Data of proximity, distance and attitude variance are rendered into sound through analog synthesizers, signal generators, sampler, voice and more. The ‘rawness’ of electricity is sculpted into thematic patterns, melodic shapes and textured ‘environments’ while straddling a compositional line between ‘chance’ and 'control'. Musical reference points include Laurie Spiegel, Maryanne Amacher and Delia Derbyshire. Thematically, Apsides depicts a sonic portrait of the interaction between humankind and its culturally entrenched position among technological systems and media ecologies, a relationship merging the animate with the inanimate in a congealed ‘machinic’ exchange between signal and receiver. 


The physical release of Apsides is on custom circular USB disk featuring artwork by Keddie based on graphic notations of geographic coordinate points where recordings took place. Included in the USB along with Apsides are a multichannel video piece entitled The Great Acceleration to a version of the composition "Vates" and a certificate of authenticity with album notes and info. Release date is October 2nd, 2020.


See below for artist bio.

TRT 13 min; color. Directed, Sound Design, and Produced by: Victoria Keddie
This work looks into the media ecology of the late Anthropocene with a focus on technological systems of looking, paired with human ways of seeing, memory, and neurological response.

Victoria Keddie is an artist working in varying media and transmission. For over a decade, Keddie has been the Co-Director of E.S.P. TV, a nomadic TV studio, as well as episodic cable access serial, that hybridizes technologies to realize synthetic environments and deconstruct the televisual for live performance. Keddie teaches Advanced Televisual Broadcast, has written on pioneering/contemporary artists using televisual language within their work, and has lectured extensively on such topics as polymedia and identifying broadcast as a medium.


Keddie has performed and exhibited internationally at venues and festivals such as Fridman Gallery, Museum of Moving Image, Queens Museum of Art, Anthology Film Archives (New York/US), Human Resources (Los Angeles/US), Syros International Film Festival (Syros, GR), Studio XX (Montreal/CA), LOOP Festival (Barcelona/ES), Pallas Projects (Dublin/IE), Reykjavik Arts Festival (Reykjavik/ IS), General Public (Berlin/DE), Axis Art Centre (Crew/UK), The Independent Film Festival (Naples/ IT), Liste Art Fair (Basel/CH), Seeing Sound Festival (Bath/UK).


Video works are distributed through Lightcone, (Paris/FR) and The Filmmakers Co-op (NYC/US). Sound works released with Counter Audition (Cambridge/US), In Context Music (Toronto/CA), Robert & Leopold (NYC/US), and Chaikin Records (NYC/ US). 

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